Blessed Chukwix GRAMMAR Difference Between Religion and Christianity • Religion and Christianity have had people debating over their interconnection. Are these two really related. Is Christianity a religion? These issues are truly mind-boggling and emotionally draining since this subject has been one of the taboo topics in the world. In lieu with that, this article aims to lighten the confusion brought about by these two by defining and differentiating them. What is Religion? The term religion comes from the Latin word “religio” with the original meaning of having obligations to the gods. But by definition, religion is how humans try their very best to be in touch with the supreme and divine being. Most of the time, this effort exerted by humans involves the effort of humans to be pleasing and acceptable before God and also to signify the essence of life on earth. Religion was first used in Christianity but through the passage of years, the word has slowly become know...