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  Human actions   have devastating or irreversible effects on the environment, while Earth’s ecosystems can cope with natural change. In the last 50 years, Earth has lost 60% of all terrestrial wildlife and 90% of big ocean fish. We may be facing a mass extinction event, where more than 75% of species are wiped out. Nature conservation is urgent and vital. Theodore Roosevelt, a former 20th-century president of the USA, said: “The conservation of natural resources is the fundamental problem. Unless we solve that problem, it will avail us little to solve all others.” His words show that nature conservation has been a long-standing issue and that we need to act now. Nature conservation   Nature conservation is the care and protection of Earth’s natural resources for current and future generations.  This means preserving the diversity and functions of life on Earth, which support human well-being and prosperity. Earth’s natural resources include air, minerals, plants, so...

Wildlife Conservation

  WILDLIFE CONSERVATION Wildlife conservation is protecting plant and animal species and their habitats. Biodiversity is at the heart of the world’s ecosystems.  This means that wildlife conservation aims to safeguard the variety and richness of life on Earth, which supports the health and functioning of natural systems. Nature conservation for biodiversity includes marine and terrestrial life.   It covers both land and water habitats, and the species that depend on them. For example, coral reefs, wetlands, forests, grasslands, and polar regions are all important areas for biodiversity conservation. Scientists estimate that current extinction rates are about a thousand times higher than expected based on the fossil record. Some  species are disappearing at an alarming rate, much faster than the natural background rate of extinction. The fossil record is the preserved remains or traces of organisms from the past, which can help estimate how many species existed ...

Brazil Bans Live Cow Exports

  Brazil Bans Live Cow Exports In Groundbreaking Ruling Recognizing Animal Rights Brazil has banned the export of live cows, following a lawsuit by an animal rights group. The ruling was praised by other animal campaign organizations, who hope that the government will not appeal it. The judge recognized the dignity and suffering of animals, and compared the trade to human trafficking and slavery. Read the full gist on

Pangolin safety! The need for PANGOLIN conservation

What is a pangolin?  Everything you wanted to know about this scaly mammal Content copied from CCTell a Friend © 1. What is a pangolin, really? Though many think of them as reptiles, pangolins are actually mammals. They are the only mammals wholly-covered in scales and they use those scales to protect themselves from predators in the wild. If under threat, a pangolin will immediately curl into a tight ball and will use their sharp-scaled tails to defend themselves. 2. What do pangolins eat? Pangolins eat ants, termites and larvae and are often known as "the scaly anteater." Because they have no teeth, pangolins pick up food with their sticky tongues, which can sometimes reach lengths greater than the animal’s body. 3. The most trafficked mammal in the world? They certainly are one of the most trafficked mammals in Asia and, increasingly, Africa...